2 min read

GnosisDAO Governance Summary ~ 23 June 2023

Shapella is here!

We are thrilled to announce that the highly anticipated Gnosis Chain Shapella upgrade has been officially scheduled for Epoch: 648704 Slot: 10379264 Time: August 1, 2023 11.34.20 UTC! This major milestone marks a significant step forward in the evolution of Gnosis Chain. Most notably, Shapella enables withdrawals for staked GNO.

To ensure a smooth transition and maximize the benefits of the Shapella upgrade, we strongly encourage all node runners to upgrade their nodes accordingly. Stay tuned for more detailed instructions and guidelines as we approach the upgrade date. We will be publishing comprehensive resources in the upcoming weeks, covering client updates and highlighting essential security measures to be implemented by node runners.

If you're eager to contribute to the network and support its growth ahead of the Shapella upgrade, consider running a node. We have prepared two comprehensive guides tailored to both beginners and experienced node runners: the Interactive Guide and the Step-by-Step guide. These resources will equip you with the necessary knowledge and tools to set up and manage your node effectively.

Let's jump into this weeks governance summary!

karpatkey authored a post on the Gnosis Forum about depositing DAI bridged from the xDai bridge into Maker's DSR with interest being streamed to users who mint sDAI with their xDai holdings on Gnosis Chain.

The DSR or Dai Savings Rate is a special module in the MakerDAO smart contract system that allows DAI holders to receive a share of the revenue earned by MakerDAO. This share was recently voted to be set to 3.49% APY.

⚡Recent Snapshot Activity ⚡

GIP-87: Should the GnosisDAO claim its vested GEL allocation and delegate it along with COW to the governance Safe managed by karpatkey? ✅ Passed Quorum on June 22, 2023

This proposal triggers the Gnosis DAO Safe to claim the fully vested GEL tokens from Gelato and then delegate the voting power of GEL and COW to the governance Safe managed by karpatkey following GIP-58.

🙏 Thank you

Come say hello in the Gnosis Chain Discord. Join us for the next GnosisDAO Community Call on Thursday, June 29th, 2023 at 3PM UTC / 5PM CET on the GnosisDAO Twitter Spaces.

See you on-chain!